At Living Vega-tarian, we have coaches on hand to help you on your path to living with more veggies in your diet so you can lead a healthier lifestyle.
The recipes are not gourmet hard to put together meals, where you need to buy spices you've never heard of or foods that you did't know existed. Living Vega-tarian recipes are easy to follow, fast to make and healthy for the body.

Book an appointment with a Living Vega-tarian Coach today and get on your personal path to living better.

PACKAGE 1::: $65
30 minutes- What you can expect in the session: 
  • We will discuss your eating habits
  • Weight
  • Current health
  • Your health goals
  • Food allergies
  • Goals ex: weight loss, better health, change of lifestyle)
PACKAGE 2  :::: $90
Two 30 minute sessions:
  • Weight
  • Current health
  • Food likes, vegan experience so far
  • Concerns 
  • General discussion
PACKAGE 3 ::::
Three 30 minute sessions:
  • Weight update
  • Current health
  • Questions
  • Comments
  • Membership (access to weekly recipes for three months. Emailed directly to your inbox)

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