Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Image result for image of a rose

I eat a rose petal a day when I'm given a rose from a date or just as a gesture from a friend. I do not watch the roses as they die. What I do is pluck a petal off each day and enjoy the healing it has to offer. Yes it is somewhat bitter, however, it is my belief that it is exactly that bitterness that ignites the powerful healing a rose has! 
Love Cerise. 

Health and Nutrition

Because petals contain about 95 percent water, their nutritional value is limited and their calorie count is low. However, the petals do contain some vitamin C, though less than that found in rose hips, the fruit of the rose that appears after the flowers drop. Ancient Chinese medicine used roses to treat digestive disorders, the pain from injuries and menstrual irregularities.

Culinary Adventures

Eating a varied diet full of interesting foods is the best way to ensure that you get plenty of vitamins and minerals. Adding rose petals to your repertoire allows you to explore new cuisines. Middle Eastern cuisine, for instance, uses rose water and rose petals in a variety of dishes. Try Persian stuffed dumpling squash with rose petals from

Good Feelings

Cooking with rose petals and eating rose petals can make you feel good. Leon Seltzer, a clinical psychologist writing in “Psychology Today,” explains that the delight of discovery, of being spontaneous and adventuresome, can make you feel good about yourself. Eating rose petals may seem like a trivial activity, but if doing so reminds you to savor your food and your life, it will take on a deeper meaning.

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