Wednesday, July 29, 2015


HEALTH ALERT::: Well it's the middle of summer which means within no time at all the end of summer will be upon us! Yes i'm saying it, FALL will be here before we know it. I for one will miss this heat and sun, however, I will not miss the excessive bbq indulging and beer sipping, boy oh boy it packs on the pounds. I swear I must have gained five pounds since the summer has started and that is not good. For those of you who have followed me throughout my weight loss during the winter months gaining weight is not a desirable thing for me. So I've decided to nip things in the bud starting from now and start a FALL thing. Yep, I plan to start a new maintenance plan to shed the five pounds that I gained and maintain my weight during the upcoming winter months as well. I know it's somewhat early to think about FALL and WINTER, however, we all know how it goes, the early bird catches the worm. I for one will not be making weight loss New Year resolutions this Jan 1st. I'm starting from now. Let's go into fall with the weight falling off us and like the trees will be shedding leaves let us too shed bad habits. So if you have weight to lose, bad habits to drop, or perhaps you just want to encourage others then please join me during time time so we can all fall into the person who we desire to be most... our true self!
Every week I will be posting healthy recipes, and interesting workout tips and videos here on fb, on my vegan website (not all recipes will be vegan, I'll also be looking out for my meatarians too) .
If you take a look at the site now you'll see a few of my seafood series videos of me cooking mussels, oysters, calamari and shrimp... mmmm not vegan see, and also perfect for this time of year while seafood is in season.
Please let us know what you have tried and what works for you. Thanks again everyone.
Love Cerise.

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