Thursday, October 23, 2014



Hey everyone, Cerise here. Let's get right to it, I am overweight and it does not feel good. I'm not drastically overweight, trust me, I know what that's like. I was overweight before by 100 lbs. Yes you read right, one hundred pounds overweight. During both of my pregnancies I overate, didn't exercise and gained weight rapidly in just nine months each time. The first time I gained 100 lbs, the second time 80 lbs.
I gained the weight during my first pregnancy in 1989, lost mostly all except 20 lbs and gained again during my second pregnancy in 1995. In 1997 I lost the weight and pretty much kept it off until 2013. I gained a few pounds here and there throughout the 16 years, but nothing to worry about. I was able to quickly get back on track and whatever little pounds I gained, usually five or ten, I'd lose quit easily and quickly.
Last year I started to notice that pounds were packing on easily, like now I'm 30 pounds heavier than I would want to be. My height is 5'9 and my weight is 170 lbs. When I first gained the extra poundage I didn't mind so much. At ten pounds really didn't make much of a different, but then the next ten packed on so quickly that couldn't even catch my breath before the last ten just seamlessly laid on.
Nevertheless, I do feel healthy and fit, however, with this extra weight I am not feeling as sexy as I once did. I went to Cuba recently and didn't even take one bikini shot, well I did, but wasn't going to dare post it on any of my social networks, I mean the pics were not all that bad, but they were not all that great either.
So here I am now, 30 lbs overweight and wanting to badly get back down to my original size of 140. I don't look fat at all, and in fact if I didn't lose a pound again I'd be okay and look fine. It's just that, due to future health, I want to ensure that I am in tip top shape. I don't want to worry about doctor appointments, prescription meds and an unhealthy lifestyle stealing the quality of my life.

I will post pics next week and show you my weekly progress and weight loss. From time to time until Dec 20th 2014, I will post pics to show you what I'm eating and how I cooked it. WARNING I am a vegetarian so most of dishes will be mainly vegetables, but I will throw the odd fish, shrimp and seafood on the menu.
If are interested in joining me on this weight loss change, not challenge, then please feel free! The more the merrier.

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