Tuesday, May 19, 2015


SOOOO I was doing very well. I went down past my goal weight which was 145 at 5'9, for me that's a good weight.
I went down to 140. I felt good. Then the patio season hit last week and with three days of the long weekend bbq's and sipping draft, I put on four pounds!!!!
I'm not fretting, after all at 144 I'm still one pound under my goal weight and I feel it will be no problem shedding the four pounds again. I don't feel they are fat yet, they're just water weight. However, if I don't get tough on myself now then it could mean that I might lose control. Soooo patio season or not, I'm hitting the workouts again- oh yeah, that's another thing, I haven't worked out for over four days, so I'm sure that has had an affect, but no worries, I'm working out tonight and that's that.
I'll let you know when I'm back at 140.
Love Cerise

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