Sunday, March 1, 2015


Woman emails me and says "Cerise, I saw your pics from your latest trip to Cuba. You lost the weight you said you wanted to. How did you do it? I've been trying to lose just 15 pounds since September and it's been so tough!"
Although I didn’t lose all the weight I wanted to, I still want to lose 10-15 more, but it was nice she noticed the first 15 I lost. She wasn't the only one who noticed a weight loss in me. My massage therapist noticed and so did my girl Magz who inboxed me and mentioned it. I do feel great, however, I still have plans to lose the rest within the next two months. I weigh 159 and would like to get to 145, my height is 5'9 so it's a good weight for me.
Some of you might remember in November I mentioned that I had a goal to lose 25 pounds. Well at that time I actually went up 5 more pounds, which left me having to lose 30 pounds. Eventually, by late December, I put my mind to it, then my discipline kicked in so I could finally drop pounds.
Just like twice back in the day, 25 years ago when I lost over 80 pounds after the birth of my daughter, then again 19 years ago when I lost over 60 pounds after the birth of my son, the pounds are melting off me again.
Actually, years back, approximately 19 years ago, as I was losing the weight after my son, I wrote a book on losing weight. I got 60 pages in and then put it away. I was in school and raising kids, so writing was not one of my first priorities like it is now, and the book got pushed back. Now mind you, I still hold the information in my head and that is what I am using now to currently lose the weight. I have 15 more pounds to go and then I will revise the book and make it available to those who also want to lose weight.
So back to the email, she asked me how I'm doing it. Well I can tell you this much, it's not with the assistance of protein shakes, pills etc, it’s with Will Power, and like I said before, discipline. I watch what I eat, I should exercise more, however, my injuries from getting hit by the car limits me and so I focus more on low impact exercising like walking and yoga.
Maybe I shouldn't be proud to say this, but I'm an ol pro at losing weight. Wouldn't that make sense anyway seeing that I was very heavy a couple of times? Gosh, at one point I was 260+ pounds. Can you imagine? 100+ pounds heavier than I am now, that's like carrying around an entire person.
I for one don't like extra weight on my body. It doesn't feel good, it makes my injuries from when I got by the car hurt more, and not only that it is not healthy at all to carry extra fat on the body, especially in the belly for women. I don’t judge others who are overweight and choose to be happy in their skin, so please do not take offence to this. However, on the flip side, in terms of health and longevity, one should really reconsider their lifestyle and at least live a quasi healthy lifestyle.
So for those of you who are willing to take their health more seriously, please feel free to follow the rest of my weight loss and also feel free to join me. I will be providing my recipes of what I’m eating on my website you don’t have to be a vegetarian to join in, but do try some of the recipes because they are geared to weight loss and healthy living.
In the meantime, look out for my weight loss book to come!
-Love Cerise.

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